Welcome to our little farm in the city! We’ve worked hard over the past couple years to really make it a nice little home for ourselves and our animals. This page is all about some of the design aspects we’ve put into our duck enclosure and some of the other things we do to keep them comfortable and happy.

Fort Quackerton

Est. 2020

Fort Quackerton is the enclosure my husband and I built in the summer of 2020 for our little flock. It was designed with safety from local predators and maximum ducky comfort in mind.

We used 2”x3” lumber and 1/2” hardware cloth to build a 6’x8’ run. It took about 2 days to build working together, and cost about $200 in materials and supplies.

Duck Cam

One really cool feature we chose to add to our duck run was a camera. My husband gifted me a Ring Stick Up cam to place on the ceiling so we could check in on the ducks at anytime from anywhere. This comes in handy when an odd noise is heard, or you just want to see what everyone is up to.

Cold Weather Lodgings

When we have particularly cold spells, the ducks move into our garage into a temporary run. The girls are a tropical breed of duck that don’t do great in cold weather, so to protect them we put them in a run with a heat lamp. We set up a tarp with shavings and use a dog exercise pen to keep them contained. A spare dog crate gives them the opportunity to hang out away from the heat lamp if they’d like. It takes some creativity and extra work, but it’s worth it to keep everyone safe and happy.